Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet the crew! IT :)

Hi everyone! :))) We are Tina & Ivona or Ivona & Tina...However you like. Ivona is on the left and Tina is on the right side of this lovely picture.:D As you can see, something definitely went wrong with us or with our parents while they were bringing us up. Well, accidents happen.:) 

Something about Tina: she is easy-going and the life and soul of the party as you will see :) she is calm and rational, except when it comes to food.:D 

Something about Ivona: definitely not an easy one..she laughs in a way that you can hear her miles away but it's not so bad because you cannot get lost even though you may wish it when you hear her. 

In case of urgent need for us you can always find us in the nearest fast food! :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Meet the crew! Harry Potter! :)

His name actualy translates to Harry Potter, we're not joking :D And here's what he says about himself :)

OMG! What can I say about me....
My name is ERIK and I do freelance music videos and short movies. I did some documentaries too. As a director I call myself ErikKyleLončaR and hopefully I will teach you to make your own movies. And to draw comics, as well. I'm very easy going and you'll never see me with a serious face expression:)))
I'm not that tall and I always have a beard so I'm pretty easy to recognize.. Hope we will have fun together,cause making porno-movies is all about fun:P

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Most important item of the summer.. ;)

Bring your camera, it doesn't have to be this one, haha, but it must be able to film movements! Sound is not crucial, we can manage without it :) Most photo cameras have an option of filming, so you don't have to worry, but if your camera can't make movies, write us an e-mail, and we can get you some cameras ;)

ALSO, remember to bring cables to transport your movies and pictures to a computer so that you can use your clips for making a short movie ;)

If anyone can bring their own laptop, that would be of a great help, so please write to if you are able to bring your own computer so that we can arrange everything the best way possible ;))


P.S. Are you excited as we are? :D